Madeira Wolf Spider – Hogna maderiana (~1-2cm leg span)


Try the ‘Sling Starter Kit‘ to keep your gorgeous new sling in 😀 Every new pet should have an awesome new home to live in!

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Madeira Wolf Spider – Hogna maderiana for Sale
Hogna maderiana (Madeira Wolf Spider) is an amazingly beautiful spider that comes from the beautiful island of Madeira, where it can be found on the ground actively hunting.

Keep these at temperatures of 20°C – 26°C with a humidity of 50% – 65%. Try the ‘Sling Starter Kit‘ to keep your gorgeous new sling in 😀 Every new pet should have an awesome new home to live in! More general information about this species can be found here.

The Madeira Wolf Spider (Hogna maderiana) is known throughout the island of Madeira (Portugal) in open habitats. This species has a restricted geographic range with a maximum estimate of extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) of ca 900 km². However, Hogna maderiana is assessed as Least Concern (LC), since the species seems to be able to live on several habitat types, even close to human settlements and the population is therefore assumed to be stable.

Geographic Range:
is known throughout the island of Madeira (Portugal) in open habitats. Multiple collection sites are recorded for the species, usually in open areas but at all altitudes, from coastal areas to the plateau of Paúl da Serra.
No population size estimates exist, but the species seems to be able to live in several habitat types, even close to human settlements and the population is therefore assumed to be stable.
Habitat and Ecology:
The Madeira Wolf Spider seems to be able to live in several open habitat types, including coastal areas and high-altitude plateaus dominated by grasses. The species is an active ground hunter feeding mainly on small/medium size arthropods.
Major Threat(s):
There are no known threats to the species.
Conservation Actions:
No specific conservation measures are in place for this species. The disjunct distribution of the species is currently being researched and might lead to a change in the current estimated maps. Monitoring of population trends should be conducted to confirm species status.


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